Guest | 21 Şubat 2014 saat 05:20
How do I find out if I had a security canrlaece in the Army? They told us in Basic/AIT the paperwork was being done, but I don’t remember signing anything. I imagine I had one since we worked with landmines / explosives, but can’t confirm that. REALLY need to confirm so I can apply for some govt / defense jobs. thanks! [url=]jquxknusdw[/url] [link=]qrwbnjftbq[/link]
Guest | 20 Şubat 2014 saat 13:34
Please HELPI have a room mate who applied for srcueity clearance, she used me as a reference, i came home on day and found they clean me out, i had to file a complaint as well as identity stealing. will this person be granted that secuity clearance base on these complaints? Please help, I’m new to this site, and don’t know where to go to get this question answered. I’m sorry this has nothing to do with your questions or comments. thank you