Guest | 21 Şubat 2014 saat 18:07
Interesting thoughts Aaron. I think crsetas with infantry denial feats will still see much play, though on the side of Colossals rather than as part of an anti-Colossal army, since Feats like the Old Witch's (or similiar) are great at keeping infantry off your Colossal for a turn, allowing you to pour more shots into them / line up charges.Oddly, out of the Warmachine factions, I think Mercs have actually done pretty well for themselves. Galleon's Harpoon allows them to at least have a chance of getting the jump on the heavy hitters that can actually deal with Galleon. Once the heavy hitters are six feet under, an ARM24 Galleon isn't going anywhere. Broadsides Bart's value has skyrocketed with the addition of Galleon IMO.On the subject of Colossals vs Gargantuans, it may be a bit of a kneejerk reaction, but for once I think the Warmachine factions are coming out ahead of the Hordes factions, purely because of the Fury mechanic, having 2/3 of your warlock's available Fury tied up in one model is simply too risky, and they're too expensive to use as transfer batteries.It's certainly another nail in the coffin for infantrymachine. Hopefully we'll see a return to combined arms armies where people actually take many jacks again [url=]hfogdfcc[/url] [link=]snaoccqwke[/link]