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Do�ru Yanl�� 0 puan Repertuar�ma Ekle Dur Kayd�r Kayd�r yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas

The World I Know


#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------#
#This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the #
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. #

World I know-
by Collective Soul
off the self-titled album

tabbed by:
	Scott, the guitar freak   (
 -and-	Chad Hanley		  (

**NOTE: in the verses, use barre chords.. in the chorus, use the open
fingerings... that's how it sounded when i heard it.. i'll also give you
a more powerful-sounding chorus...

***NOTE: if no symphony is available for your rendition, keyboards work
nicely... :)


D	A	G       	 A
	Has our conscience shown?
	Has the sweet breeze blown?
	Has all the kindness gone?
	Hope still lingers on.
	I drink myself of newfound pity
	Sitting alone in New York City.
	And I don't know why.

Verse II

D	A	G  	  A
	Are we listening?
	Hymns of offering
	Have we eyes to see
	That love is gathering?

	All the words that I've been reading
	Have now started the act of bleeding

	Into one....Into one.


D		       A
	So I walk upon high
	And I step to the edge
	To see my world below.
	And I laugh at myself
	While the tears roll down.
	'Cause it's the world I know.
	It's the world I know.

VERSE III (look at end of Verse I)

I drink myself of newfound pity
Sittin alone in New York City.
And I don't know why.
Don't know why.

CHORUS (check out the first chorus)
So I walk upon high
And I step to the edge
to see my world below.
And I laugh at myself
While the tears roll down.
'Cause it's the world I know.
It's the world I know.
Yeah, I walk upon high
And I step to the edge
To see my world below
And I laugh at myself
While the tears roll down.
'Cause it's the world I know.
It's the world I know.

at the end when the symphony kicks in, Childress (i think) is
arpeggiating a D, and throwing in the 4th sometimes (Dsus4)

and the song ends on a Dsus4...

(i've only heard the song twice on MTV, and at the time i didn't have my
guitar.. i had to get home and play from memory... )

any comments/suggestions/flames/recipes for cookies mail:

	scott if there is a tab problem...
	chad if there is a lyric problem...

Collective Soul - The World I Know

Thanks to Kelly and Blair for inspiring me to figure out the chords to th=
is. The lyrics
may not be totally in order, if not e-mail me at

Bm      G
Has our conscience shown?
Bm      G
Has the sweet breeze blown?
Bm      G
Has all kindness gone?
Bm         G
Hope still lingers on.

I drink myself of newfound pity sittin alone in New York City.
And I don't know why. Don't know why.

Bm     G
Are we listening?
Bm       G
Hymns of offering
Bm      G
Have we eyes to see
Bm           G
That love is gathering?

All the words that I've been reading have now started the act of bleeding=

Into one....Into one.


D              A                      G
So I walk upon high and I step to the edge
to see my world below.
               A                           C
And I laugh at myself while the tears roll down.
                        G                      D
'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know.

I drink myself of newfound pity sittin alone in New York City.
And I don't know why. Don't know why.

D              A                      G
So I walk upon high and I step to the edge
to see my world below.
               A                           C
And I laugh at myself while the tears roll down.
                        G                      D
'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know.
                  A                      G
Yeah, I walk upon high and I step to the edge
To see my world below
                 A                         C
And I laugh at myself while the tears roll down.
                        G                      D
'Cause it's the world I know. It's the world I know.


The World I Know
by Collective Soul
Taken from the album Collective Soul
tabbed by Justin Kunz
comments, questions, suggestions:
Probably written by Ed Roland (sweet beard!)

Well I definitely think this song is overplayed, but I have found a new
respect for Collective Soul after I figured out the opening riff to this
song. I think it is a great progression. I borrowed the lyrics from World
I Know tablulation by Scott the guitar freak and Chad Hanley. I don't
think their opening is accurate, it actually starts with a Bm progression
like this...

s- slide

e ----------------------------------------------------------------
B ----------------------------------------------------------------
G -2ss7777777--22222-244--444-666---------------------------------
D -0ss0000000--00000-000--000-000---------------------------------
A -xssxxxxxxx--xxxxx-xxx--xxx-xxx---------------------------------
E -2ss7777777--22222-233--333-555---------------------------------

***-play that part as if you were counting '1,2,3' quickly, where the
2x02 formation gets the 1 count and the 2 and 3 count goes to 3x04.

(you can figure out the real timing by listening to the song)

Has our conscience show?
Has the sweet breeze blown?
Has all the kindness gone?
Hope still lingers on.

(open chords)
I drink myself of newbound pity
Sitting alone in New York City
And I don't know why

Are we listening?
Hymsn of offering
Have we eyes to see
That love is gathering?

(open chords)
All the words that I've been reading
Have now started the act of bleeding
Into one... into one

(open chords)

D              A
So I walk upon high
And I step to the edge
To see my world below
And I laugh at myself
While the tears roll down
Cos it's the world I know
It's the world I know

That's how it goes, just apply the same formations to the rest of the song

Justin Kunz

Transcribed by Nate Kohl

This is a slightly different version than the others I have seen posted -
it is in a different key, but capo should take care of that.   It sounds
better than plain chords.

Intro -


Play the above with "Has our consience shown...Has the sweet breeze blown..."
When you reach "I drink myself of newfound pity..." change to a D - C
progression, then jump back into the  above pattern for the second verse.

Chorus -

	G - D - C - G   "So I walk up on high..."

	G - D - F - C - G   "And I laugh at the tears roll down.."

The ending is G - D - C - D, but is instrumental so it needs more than
just chords...

And that is it!  The only tricky thing is getting the strumming right and
adding as many notes to synthesize a string quartet as possible.  For the
tabbed struming above, it is easiest just to use the same finger
positions, and slide down and up the frets.

World I know------
Collective Soul

This is a real pretty tune I figured out sitting on the john and playing
my guitar during one those really good bowel movements.

8Okay this is the definite riff that makes this tune so beautiful.
I know you guys don't want to hear the transcriber speak so Ill cut
it short.  I dont see the way I play it posted, so heres what I have:

           Bm             D/F#      G
b|-----0-0-0-0-0---0-0----0-0---0-0-0-0-0-0-0----0-0---| ..and repeat
g|----/7-7-7-7-7---7-7----2-2---2-2/4-4-4-4-4----4-4---|  til' chorus.

Cool.  Now Download "world_i_know.crd" and you'll be set for chorus and
so on.

Do�ru Yanl�� Repertuar�ma Ekle Kayd�r Kayd�r Dur yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas  

Akorist gelen istekler do�rultusunda geli�tirilecek! Sizde katk�da bulunmak ister misiniz?

De�erli arkada�lar,

Sizlerden gelen yorum ve e-postalar� ilk g�nden beri takip etmekteyiz. Nefis fikirleriniz i�in te�ekk�r ederiz. Bunlar�n bir k�sm�n� hayata ge�irmeyi ve Akorist'i daha kullan�c� dostu bir site haline getirmeyi planl�yoruz.

�zellikle s�k�a gelen nota isteklerini kar��lamak i�in bize notalar�n matemati�ini anlatabilecek arkada�lar ar�yoruz. Uzman olman�z� beklemiyoruz, zaten Akorist g�n�ll�ler ile ayakta duran bir proje. �lgilenen arkada�lar adresine e-posta atarlarsa mutlu oluruz.

�nternete sans�r de�il, s�rat laz�m!


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