Sanatçının Şarkıları

    İçerik akorların, tabların, bas tablarının ve sözlerin ayırt edilebilmesi için seçimlerinize göre renkli listelenmektedir.
Do�ru Yanl�� 0 puan Repertuar�ma Ekle Dur Kayd�r Kayd�r yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas



        Transcribed by Dennis Hussey.  Feel free to leave any comments,
corrections, or complaints at
        This is the final track of Joe Satriani's 'Surfing with an Alien'
entitled Midnight.  It would definitely help to have a copy of the song to
play along with, as the Satch changes his tempo and intensity throughout the
        Satriani played this song by fretboard tapping with both hands.
Some people suggest using a damper or handkerchief to prevent accidental
pull-off noise, but I've found with careful muting this problem can be
avoided.  I like the sound best with a fairly strong reverb, and setting the
chorus rate rather slow, and adding high depth.  I don't have any other
effects, but a delay could add an interesting flavor to the song.  The
notation is standard tablature, with the numbers above the tab indicating
which fingers to tap the strings.         The intro is a series of
quadruplets in group in standard 4/4 time.  Satch varies the tempo a bit, so
allow a little flexibility.  Make sure to hold the note down until the next
note is struck, where the initial note is then released.  This will take
some practice.
        The body of the song taps chords in an odd time.  I've found it is
best to listen to the song, and try to isolate the beat of the taps.  Again
remember to hold the tapped notes until the next chord is ready to be
struck.  You can practice the rhythm by drumming your hands in your spare
time. I am not familiar with drummer notation but the rhythm could be written as

    1/16 1/16 1/8     1/16 1/16 1/8   1/16 1/16 1/8   1/16 1/16 1/8    1/16
1/16 1/8  1/16 1/16 1/8

where the fractions are eighth notes and sixteenth notes.  I've also tried
to help by spacing the chords appropriately.

        The outro is similar to the intro, but becomes more difficult with a
wicked ascending tempo towards the the exiting measures.

        Have fun and eat your Wheaties before starting.  You'll need 'em.

All notes are tapped with fingers.
Fingering notation:  L1 = left index    R1 = right index
                     L4 = left pinky    R4 = right pinky

   L1  L3    R2    R1    Repeat three times   L1   L2     R2     R1   Repeat
three times


   L1  L3    R2    R1    Repeat three times   L1   L2     R2      R1
                                                              Repeat ONE time


   L1     L2    R2    R1    Repeat ONE time   L1   L3     R2     R1
                                                Repeat three times


   L1     L3    R2    R1    Repeat three times L1   L2     R2     R1
                                                        Repeat three times


   L1     L3    R2    R1    Repeat once        L1


   L1  L3    R2    R1    Repeat three times   L1   L2     R2      R1
                                                Repeat three times


   L1  L3    R2    R1    Repeat three times   L1   L2     R2      R1
                                                        Repeat ONE time


   L1  L3    R2    R1    Repeat once   L1   L2     R2      R1
                                                        Repeat three time


   L1     L3    R2    R1    Repeat three times L1   L2     R2     R1
                                                        Repeat three times


   L1     L3    R2    R1    Repeat once        L1


End intro,
Begin body.  Start guitar and background clap simultaneously

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3   R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1   R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

***Tricky part
   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

***Tricky part
   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L3    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat THREE times

End clapping rhythm

   L2    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

***Tricky part

   L2    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L2         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L2         R2   L2    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L2         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L2         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L2         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L3         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L2         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat one time

   L2    R2     L2         R2   L3    R2
   L1    R1     L1         R1   L1    R1      Repeat three times while
slowing                                               the tempo gradually

Outro, return to single note tapping.



  Repeat previous two measures four times, increasing tempo with each repeat.


                                                Repeat three times

                                                Repeat three times

                                                Repeat one time

                                                DO NOT REPEAT

                                                DO NOT REPEAT

                                                Repeat 2 1/2 times

Merry Christmas

Dennis Hussey
21 Dec 1995

Revised February 1, 1996 by Dennis Hussey
You don't have to fear defeat if you believe it may reveal powers that you

Do�ru Yanl�� Repertuar�ma Ekle Kayd�r Kayd�r Dur yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas  

Akorist gelen istekler do�rultusunda geli�tirilecek! Sizde katk�da bulunmak ister misiniz?

De�erli arkada�lar,

Sizlerden gelen yorum ve e-postalar� ilk g�nden beri takip etmekteyiz. Nefis fikirleriniz i�in te�ekk�r ederiz. Bunlar�n bir k�sm�n� hayata ge�irmeyi ve Akorist'i daha kullan�c� dostu bir site haline getirmeyi planl�yoruz.

�zellikle s�k�a gelen nota isteklerini kar��lamak i�in bize notalar�n matemati�ini anlatabilecek arkada�lar ar�yoruz. Uzman olman�z� beklemiyoruz, zaten Akorist g�n�ll�ler ile ayakta duran bir proje. �lgilenen arkada�lar adresine e-posta atarlarsa mutlu oluruz.

�nternete sans�r de�il, s�rat laz�m!


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Türkçe yazanlar için hatırlatmalar; cümle büyük harfle başlar, nokta ile biter. Noktadan sonra boşluk bırakılır, yeni cümle başlar. "gelcem, gitcem, gidiyom" denmez "geleceğim, gideceğim, gidiyorum" denir. "Herkez" denmez "herkes" denir. "Yaaaa" çok laubali bir sözdür. "bU şEkiLDE" yazmak sadece okuyanı yorar. "Yanlız" değil "Yalnız" denir. "ğ" harfi "g" şeklinde yazılamaz. "Bende, sende" denmez, "Ben de, sen de" denir. "Dahi" anlamındaki "de" ayrı yazılır. "Geldimi?" yazılmaz "Geldi mi?" yazılır. Soru takıları ayrı yazılır. "OKmi?" değil, "Tamam mı?" denir. "ahmet, belgin, duru" denmez. "Ahmet, Belgin, Duru" denir. Özel isimlerin, illerin, ülkelerin ilk harfleri büyük yazılır. "ki" eki, bağlaç olarak kullanılıyorsa ayrı, iyelik eki olarak kullanıyorsa birleşik yazılır. "v" yerine "w" yazılmaz. Yani Türkçe, Türkçe yazılır. MSN Türkçesi'yle değil. MSN türkçesi ile yazılan yorumlar silinecektir.
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