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# Discoteque - U2 Tabbed by Jeremy Anthony - 12/21/96 1:59 AM EST This song is supposed to be on the new album, the release date is March 1997 I think, but you can here samples of this song on the web. I just thought I would try and tab the samples out. You can e-mail me and I'll get the files to you, I have cleaned up the audio on them.... All of the guitar is a grindy sort of distortion... The intro starts out something like this: E-3--0-0-0--3--0-0-0--5--0-0-0--3-| A-5--5-5-5--5--5-5-5--7--5-5-5--5-| D---------------------------------| G---------------------------------| B E The rest of the band comes in here, right after the intro thing... Ok now after the intro Edge goes into this little thing.... play four times E-3--0-X-0--5--0-X-0--3-0--0-3-0-h3--| X - mute these beats quickly A-5----X-7--7--7-X----5-5--5-5-------| with your string hand D------------------------------------| h - hammer G------------------------------------| B E And after that is played four times, the guitar cuts out and there's just this drum thing, and singing "Let's go, let's go, lets go, discoteque" When he comes to the discoteque part, that second riff starts in again... This seems to be the "chorus" part of the song also.... You'll really have to listen to the clip over and over to get the idea I'm trying to convey, I did, and I'm not saying that this is *exactly* what he's playing, I think it sounds like it.... Howdy Folks. Being this my first tabbing *attempt* please forgive any rudimentaries, and so forth. I am also only an eight month guitar player, so my ears probably need a little work as well. But this is my interpretation never the less. Any comments are welcome, I appreciate it. ( Song: Discotek (Discotech?) Heh. Group: U2 Album: None thats been released yet. U2 in fine style, I think this song rocks. Not too hard to play either. If you happen to have some sort of distortional pedal, thats good, but I just have a pokey little acoustic. My timing isn't exactly professional either. God knows there are worse tabs out there. Just play it loud, and play it with the song. If you really want to get into the spirit, look in your closet for some fine 70's clothing. You'll get the hang of it. :> * Intro -Go nuts. H H H H e -------------------------------------------- B -------------------------------------------- G -7-7-7-7----7-7-7-7----7-7-7-7----7-7-7-7--- D -9-9-7-9----9-9-7-9----9-9-7-9----9-9-7-9--- (as I pounded away on my A -9-9-7-9----9-9-7-9----9-9-7-9----9-9-7-9--- acoustic, it sounded ok.) E -7-7-7-7----7-7-7-7----7-7-7-7----7-7-7-7--- .... and so forth, until "You can push... but you can't direct it" * First Bass Line: (Wild guess again, I don't have a bass for that matter.) H H H A ------------------------------------- E -7-7-5-7--5-7-7-5-7-5-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-- After that line, you can try this, because it sounds good, and it works with that silly baseline up there. Otherwise stick to the intro riff. H H H H H H e --------------------------------------------- B --------------------------------------------- G -7-7-7-7--7-7-7-7-7----3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3---- D -9-9-7-9--7-9-9-7-9----5-5-3-5--3-5-5-3-5---- A -9-9-7-9--7-9-9-7-9----5-5-3-5--3-5-5-3-5---- E -7-7-7-7--7-7-7-7-7----3-3-3-3--3-3-3-3-3---- And then, "You can't just get enough... of that love... something." Then it's the *fun fun fun* part. Not an entirely imaginative riff, but still very catchy. This is just the very BASIC chords, you can strum extra, and hammer the 7997-7777-7997 like before in place of the 7997-7997. What you do in the privacy of your own home is your deal. Basic: H e -------------------------------------- B -------------------------------------- G -10-7-7--12-7-7--10-7-7---7-7-7-7----- D -12-9-9--14-9-9--12-9-9---9-9-7-9----- A -12-9-9--14-9-9--12-9-9---9-9-7-9----- E -10-7-7--12-7-7--10-7-7---7-7-7-7----- With extra pizzaz: e -------H-----------H-----------H----H-----H--- B --------------------------------------------- G -10-7-7-7-7--12-7-7-7-7--10-7-7-7--7-7-7-7-7-- D -12-9-7-9-7--14-9-7-9-7--12-9-7-9--7-9-9-7-9-- Play this riff lots. A -12-9-7-9-7--14-9-7-9-7--12-9-7-9--7-9-9-7-9-- E -10-7-7-7-7--12-7-7-7-7--10-7-7-7--7-7-7-7-7-- Now you've got the basic riffs, played throughout the song with various distortions that give this song it's original sound. There are a few parts where single notes are played: S Either of these two: or these two: e -----------5^7------------5^7--------------5^7--------------7^5--- B -------7--------------7----------9---10---10^12---9---9-10-12^10-- G ---7-----7------7---7---7------9---9----9-----------9------------- D -9---9------------9----------------------------------------------- A ------------------------------------------------------------------ E ------------------------------------------------------------------ Knock yerself out. -Michael Leung (University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
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