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Do�ru Yanl�� 0 puan Repertuar�ma Ekle Dur Kayd�r Kayd�r yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas

A Sort of Homecoming

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A Sort of Homecoming	(From the album "The Unforgettable Fire")

 NOTE: Much of this is taken from the book The Best of U2

Intro: G6  D2  G6  D2  G6  D2  G6  D2

And you know it's time to go
        G6                   D2

through the sleet and driving snow
                 G6                D2

across the fields of mourning to a
light's in the distance
D2             G6       D4 D2

And you hunger for the time
        G6                  D2

time to heal, 'Desire', time
        G6                  D2

and your earth moves beneath
         G6                 D2

your own dream landscape
         G6        D2

Oh, ho, ho on borderland we run________
G      G2 G   G2            D2 D4 D Gii

I'll be there, I'll be there
G             G2   G        G2

tonight, a high road, a high road out of here
       D2  D4           D                Gii

the city walls are all come down
the dust a smoke screen all around to see
faces ploughed like fields that once
gave no resistance

And we live by the side of the road
on the side of a hill as the valleys explode
dislocated, suffocated
the land grows weary of it's own

O come away, o come away, o come, o come away I say I  hmm hmm
G6                 D2           G6                 D2

O come away, o come away, o come, o come away I say I
G6                 D2           G6                 D2

Oh, ho, ho on borderland we run, and still we run, we run and don't look back
G      G2 G   G2            D2       D4               D                     G

I'll be there, I'll be there tonight    tonight      tonight
G             G2   G        G2                D2  D4   D     D4

I'll be there tonight, I believe.  I'll be there so high (land),

I'll be there tonight, tonight____________
                         D     D2     G6  D2

O come away, I sing  I say, um ha,  o come away oh say.
G6                D2                G6 			D2

The wind will crack in wintertime

this bomb-blast lightning waltz
D2	        G6

no spoken words, just a scream . . . yeah.... oh........ oh.....
D2        G6            D2  G6        D4  D   G   G2     G   G2

tonight we'll build a bridge across the sea and land
  D2          D4	      D       		    Gii

see the sky burning rain
G              G2

she will die and live again tonight_______
   G   	         G2           D2  D4 D Gii  G6  D2  G6  D4 D  G6  D2  G6  D4 D

And you heart beats so slow
through the rain and fallen snow
across the fields of morning
to a light that's in the distance
Oh don't sorrow, no don't weep
for tonight, at last
I am coming home
I am coming home

CHORD FORMATIONS:    (This might make a nice acoustic version with these)
G6   x x 0 0 3 0
D2   x x 0 2 3 0
D4/A x 0 0 0 3 x
G    3 x 0 0 0 x
G2   3 0 0 0 0 3
D4   x x 0 2 3 3
D    x x 0 2 3 2
Gii  x x 0 0 3 3  (G, type 2)
C7   x 3 2 3 1 x

But The Edge is probably playing the chorus this way
(esp. for intro of live version where it is arpeggio)
G      x x x 7 8 7
G2     x x x 7 10 x
D2,D   x x x 7  7 10

Do�ru Yanl�� Repertuar�ma Ekle Kayd�r Kayd�r Dur yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas  

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�nternete sans�r de�il, s�rat laz�m!


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