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Guest | 24 Ocak 2015 saat 03:50
//There is no need for Kamal to explain hmiself like an accused. //Dear Bala,You are wrong. Of course, there is a powerful reason for kamal to feel agitated and make every effort to appease the tribe, that is accusing him of Hindutva leanings.Over the last few years, kamal has invested enormous time and effort, in making hmiself appear as a ,so called secular rationalist, which means that, from time to time, he had to resort to unreasonable hindu bashing and molly coddle hard line Islam;it also meant that in tamilnadu he had to wear a black shirt and sing songs about EVR, louder than even Suuramani and tamil oviya;this also meant that he had to be seen to be praising yellow towel to the hilt and some times even Stalin and Thirumaa.He did all this, to gain admission into this club of cozy pseudo secularists and anti nationalists; and now he is shocked that the same club members are accusing him of not being secular.How can he stomach this?He has to defend hmiself and retain his membership in this club ,without which one cannot do business anywhere in India,;in Tamil Nadu you cannot even think of doing business without appearing to be a DK black shirt and yellow towel jaalra and drinking sunni stew during Ramzaan.bala [url=]jlgxqdav[/url] [link=]pjbaweahfa[/link]
Guest | 24 Ocak 2015 saat 00:10
I’m pretty
spmwaed with work at the moment but I’ll give you a quick reply now and think about a post later thisa0week. I agree that schools are takading over a large numadber of child rearading responadsiadbiladiadties. It’s not just that the paradents may not have the most conadtact; many paradents simadply don’t know what to do. Speadcial Eduadcaadtion kids and famadiadlies are pretty unique and tend to be overadrepadreadsented in the high poverty, high crime, high all-other-bad-stuff staadtisadtics. Minoriadties are way overadrepadreadsented because, at least in my view, “actading black†is often diagadnosed as an Emotional-Behavioral Disadoradder. And it’s defadiadnitely true that non-english speakaders get diagadnosed with with learnading disadabiladiadties and speech/language impedadiadments when the real probadlem is just that they don’t speak english. But those are all the probadlems which I expected to find. What I didn’t expect was a sysadtem which tells these kids two opposading mesadsages. 1. You’re all 100% coladlege mateadradial! and 2. Regardadless of your backadground, lanadguage, disadabiladity, reading-level, or any other facadtor, you all have to pass the same tests and will be judged by the same standards.I’ve writadten a lot about the silliadness of our stanaddard and accountadabiladity sysadtem. I’m not opposed to it in theadory but as impleadmented, the tests aren’t really showading the data that they sysadtem thinks they’re showing.Last year I had a 9th grade stuaddent who read on a kinderadgarten level. She didn’t know all the letadters of the alphaadbet or all the sounds those letadter made. She took the same stanaddardadized test as every other 9th grade stuaddent in the state of Georadgia. She scored a 4 out of 80 questions.Georadgia and the accountadabiladity regime interadpret this data on one way: She didn’t learn the material.I interadpret the data in a difadferadent way: She can’ta0read.Georadgia and the accountadabiladity regime will do any numadber of things: fire her teachaders, pay her teachaders less, penaladize her school, reduce fundading, taradget her for remeaddiadaadtion (kind of like a test-prep proadgram), or just put her into staadtisadtics as another stuaddent isn’t learnading. Nowhere in that sysadtem is a move to teach her how to read because the tests pre-suppose she knows how to read. If they didn’t pre-suppose this, the whole test validadity thing would become a whole lot more difficult.So let’s jump to your comadment about teachading Engadlish in this modadern day and age. I find your critadiadcism accuadrate for many of the Engadlish classes I’m involved in but inacadcuadrate for my speadcial eduadcaadtion engadlish classes. Most engadlish teachaders will tell you that their job isn’t about teachading litaderadaadture. They’re teachading critadiadcal thinkading, analyadsis, and, dependading on the acaaddadeadmic level, peradsonal responadsiadbiladity. They tend to teach the same things you rememadber from high school in the same ways you rememadber. Sure there are newer flouradishes thrown in — makading a wiki is the popaduadlar replaceadment for the poster-board project of a decade ago. There’s obviadously a big techadnoadlogadiadcal comadpoadnent which is both good and bad, focused and genaderal, proadducadtive and inefadfiadcient. And it’s mostly because the overadall methodadoladogy or model or whatadever hasn’t changed: every kid has to conadform to expecadtaadtions and those expecadtaadtions are the same now as they have been for decades. They are the expecadtaadtions of the white, midaddle class, coladlege bound, male who has writadten eduadcaadtional poladicy since forever.I teach my classes difadferadently — not to say that I’m betadter, just difadferadent. Like the girl I menadtioned above, many of my stuaddents are readading and writading way, way below grade level. It wasn’t someadthing which I was equipped to hanaddle with a Master’s in Engadlish ed. and some genaderal eduadcaadtion stuaddent teachading expeadriadence. Who would have thought that the averadage stuaddent in my class reads at a 3rd grade level? How can any high school teacher, speadcial ed. or othaderadwise, be expected to teach at an eleadmenadtarya0level?So I teach phonadics, and basic senadtence strucadture, and prefix-root-suffix word skills. When I used The Most Danadgeradous Game, I used it to teach readading skills because, believe it or not, it’s one of the “lowadest†texts our high school has availadable. I spend my classadroom time, illeadgally, teachading the kids a skill which I think will serve them well: readading. I say illeadgally because it truly is illeadgal. I’m not allowed to teach anyadthing but the high school stanaddards which the state proadvides. If a paradent, or a paradticaduadlarly uncarading adminadisadtraadtor ever called me on it, I’d be on the wrong side of state and disadtrict policy.So, yeah, I don’t know sh*t about education.
Guest | 23 Ocak 2015 saat 08:02
This forum needed shankig up and you've just done that. Great post!