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Doğru Yanlış 0 puan Repertuarıma Ekle Dur Kaydır Kaydır yeni Akor Tab Söz Bas

Run Com See Jerusalem


Well it was nine[F]-teen hundred and twenty-nine (run, come, see)
I remember that day[C7] pretty well
Nine[F]-teen hun[F7]-dred and twen[Bb]-tynine
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

They were talk[F]-ing 'bout a storm on the island (run, come, see)
My god, what a beau[C7]-tiful morning
Talk[F]-ing 'bout a storm[F7] on the is[Bb]-land
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

There were three[F] sail leaving at the harbor (run, come, see)
They were the Eth[C7]-el and the Myrtle and Pretoria
Three[F] sail leav[F7]-ing at the har[Bb]-bor
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

Now the Eth[F]-el was bound for Fresh Creek (run, come, see)
With the ma[C7]-mas and the children on board
The Eth[F]-el  was bound[F7] for Fresh[Bb] creek
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

And the Myr[F]-tle was bound for Staniel Quay (run, come, see)
My god, what a beau[C7]-tiful morning
The Myr[F]-tle  was bound[F7] for Staniel[Bb] Quay
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

And Pre-tor[F]-ia was out on the ocean (run, come, see)
Rocking down on her beam[C7] in the swell
Pre-tor[F]-ia was out[F7] on the oc[Bb]-ean
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

My god, then a big[F] sea built up in the northwest (run, come, see)
And the captain come a run[C7]-ning for the tiller and a
big[F] sea built[F7] up in the north[Bb]-west
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

Then the first[F] sea hit the Pretoria (run, come, see)
And the mamas come a run[C7]-ning for their children and the
first[F] sea hit[F7] the Pre-tor[Bb]-ia
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

And the sailor go down[F]-ward for the bottom (run, come, see)
My god, what a beau[C7]-tiful morning
sail[F]-or go down[F7]-ward for the bot[Bb]-tom
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

Now George[F] Brown, he was the captain (run, come, see)
He shouts "Now chil[C7]-dren come pray"
George[F] Brown, he[F7] was the cap[Bb]-tain
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

He says come[F] now and witness your judgement (run, come, see)
And the women all a cry[C7]-ing for the Daniel-god
Come[F] now and wit[F7]-ness your judg[Bb]-ment
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

There were thir[F]-ty-three soul on the water (run, come, see)
My god, what a beau[C7]-tiful morning (slower here, to end)
Thir[F]-ty-three soul[F7] on the wat[Bb]-ter
Run, come, see[F] Je-ru[C7]-sa-lem[F]

This is the Clam Chowder version, as best I can remember, with much improved
lyrics.  It helps to have someone sing the counterpoint (run, come, see), and

Doğru Yanlış Repertuarıma Ekle Kaydır Kaydır Dur yeni Akor Tab Söz Bas  

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Türkçe yazanlar için hatırlatmalar; cümle büyük harfle başlar, nokta ile biter. Noktadan sonra boşluk bırakılır, yeni cümle başlar. "gelcem, gitcem, gidiyom" denmez "geleceğim, gideceğim, gidiyorum" denir. "Herkez" denmez "herkes" denir. "Yaaaa" çok laubali bir sözdür. "bU şEkiLDE" yazmak sadece okuyanı yorar. "Yanlız" değil "Yalnız" denir. "ğ" harfi "g" şeklinde yazılamaz. "Bende, sende" denmez, "Ben de, sen de" denir. "Dahi" anlamındaki "de" ayrı yazılır. "Geldimi?" yazılmaz "Geldi mi?" yazılır. Soru takıları ayrı yazılır. "OKmi?" değil, "Tamam mı?" denir. "ahmet, belgin, duru" denmez. "Ahmet, Belgin, Duru" denir. Özel isimlerin, illerin, ülkelerin ilk harfleri büyük yazılır. "ki" eki, bağlaç olarak kullanılıyorsa ayrı, iyelik eki olarak kullanıyorsa birleşik yazılır. "v" yerine "w" yazılmaz. Yani Türkçe, Türkçe yazılır. MSN Türkçesi'yle değil. MSN türkçesi ile yazılan yorumlar silinecektir.
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