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Do�ru Yanl�� 0 puan Repertuar�ma Ekle Dur Kayd�r Kayd�r yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas

Kisses Sweeter Than Wine

Here's one of my all-time favorite songs. You may see it credited to "Paul
Campbell" in some places, but that was the standard pseudonym of The
Weavers. You can change the lyrics around to conform to the gender (or
genders) of the person singing.

by Lee Hayes (of The Weavers)

     E       D             C          D
When I was a young man and never been kissed
         Bm            E
I got to thinking over what I had missed
E        D          C              D
Got me a girl and I kissed her and then
Bm          E
Oh, Lord, I kissed her again

G   D   C      Bm           E
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
G   D   C      Bm           E
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

I asked her would she marry and be my sweet wife
And we would be so happy all of our lives
I begged and I pleaded like a natural man and then
Oh, Lord, she gave me her hand

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

I worked mighty hard and so did my wife
We worked hand in hand to make a good life
There was corn in the fields and wheat in the bins and I was
Oh, Lord, the father of twins

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

Our children numbered just about four
They all had sweethearts a-knocking at the door
They all got married and they didn't hesitate, I was
Oh, Lord, granfather of eight

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

Now I am old and ready to go
I get to thinking what happened a long time ago
I had a lot of kids, a lot of trouble and pain, but
Oh, Lord, I'd do it again

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine


From Wed Jan 18 12:14:57 1995

David #6 ( wrote:


Whoops! Let's try that again...

Here's one of my all-time favorite songs. You may see it credited to "Paul
Campbell" in some places, but that was the standard pseudonym of The
Weavers. You can change the lyrics around to conform to the gender (or
genders) of the person singing.

by Lee Hayes

     E       D             C          D
When I was a young man and never been kissed
         Bm            E
I got to thinking over what I had missed
E        D          C              D
Got me a girl and I kissed her and then
Bm          E
Oh, Lord, I kissed her again

G   D   C      Bm           E
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
G   D   C      Bm           E
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

I asked her would she marry and be my sweet wife
And we would be so happy all of our lives
I begged and I pleaded like a natural man and then
Oh, Lord, she gave me her hand

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

I worked mighty hard and so did my wife
We worked hand in hand to make a good life
There was corn in the fields and wheat in the bins and I was
Oh, Lord, the father of twins

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

Our children numbered just about four
They all had sweethearts a-knocking at the door
They all got married and they didn't hesitate, I was
Oh, Lord, granfather of eight

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine

Now I am old and ready to go
I get to thinking what happened a long time ago
I had a lot of kids, a lot of trouble and pain, but
Oh, Lord, I'd do it again

Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine
Oh..... kisses sweeter than wine


Do�ru Yanl�� Repertuar�ma Ekle Kayd�r Kayd�r Dur yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas  

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�zellikle s�k�a gelen nota isteklerini kar��lamak i�in bize notalar�n matemati�ini anlatabilecek arkada�lar ar�yoruz. Uzman olman�z� beklemiyoruz, zaten Akorist g�n�ll�ler ile ayakta duran bir proje. �lgilenen arkada�lar adresine e-posta atarlarsa mutlu oluruz.

�nternete sans�r de�il, s�rat laz�m!


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Türkçe yazanlar için hatırlatmalar; cümle büyük harfle başlar, nokta ile biter. Noktadan sonra boşluk bırakılır, yeni cümle başlar. "gelcem, gitcem, gidiyom" denmez "geleceğim, gideceğim, gidiyorum" denir. "Herkez" denmez "herkes" denir. "Yaaaa" çok laubali bir sözdür. "bU şEkiLDE" yazmak sadece okuyanı yorar. "Yanlız" değil "Yalnız" denir. "ğ" harfi "g" şeklinde yazılamaz. "Bende, sende" denmez, "Ben de, sen de" denir. "Dahi" anlamındaki "de" ayrı yazılır. "Geldimi?" yazılmaz "Geldi mi?" yazılır. Soru takıları ayrı yazılır. "OKmi?" değil, "Tamam mı?" denir. "ahmet, belgin, duru" denmez. "Ahmet, Belgin, Duru" denir. Özel isimlerin, illerin, ülkelerin ilk harfleri büyük yazılır. "ki" eki, bağlaç olarak kullanılıyorsa ayrı, iyelik eki olarak kullanıyorsa birleşik yazılır. "v" yerine "w" yazılmaz. Yani Türkçe, Türkçe yazılır. MSN Türkçesi'yle değil. MSN türkçesi ile yazılan yorumlar silinecektir.
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