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Do�ru Yanl�� 0 puan Repertuar�ma Ekle Dur Kayd�r Kayd�r yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas

Three Pistols

Three Pistols
Written and Performed by The Tragically Hip
From=20the album Road Apples 1991

Tabbed by John Siambani   or

Drop low E-string to a D

Chords:  B x244xx   D xx023x  A x0222x  Weird A x0210x  (Hit the chords=20
like power chords.  This ain't a ballad)

Notes:  This is a simple song after you figure out that Weird A (it's a=20
suspended deal but I haven't looked it up.)   The song pretty well runs=20
on the B-D-A-Asus? set for the majority of the song.  I believe each=20
line uses all four verse chords.

Chorus:  This is hazy part.  It's hard to make out the changes but the=20
chords are G-D-A or some variation thereof.   Your mission my fellow Hip=20
fans is to figure out the timing. (Actually you will have to do that for=20
the whole song I am just supplying the chords, but listening to the song=20
will be more than sufficient.)

One of the best parts is the heavy power chording late in the song. =20
This is accomplished by de-tuning your bottom E-string down to a D.  =20
This facilitates in the power chording.

I have "attempted" to tab out this section without timing.  A listen=20
will reveal all. The "xxxx" mean you palm mute/bang the strings without=20
making a note/scrape those strings.)   Play this part really loud and=20
angrily.  :)

Riff (late in the song and finishes it)
A [10-8-10---xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8-2-0-2-]
D [10-8-10---xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-8-2-0-2-]  (Dropped D)

Enjoy, and as always...comments and corrections welcome=20

I know a fair number of other Hip hopefully soon!

john siambani

p.s.  I am absolutely dying for any tragically hip bootlegs...please!  I=20
KNOW they are out there...

B5   D5      A5           Funny A  (x0210x)
Tom Thompson came paddling past
I'm pretty sure it was him
And he spoke so softly in accordance
With the growing of the dim=D4
Cause I think I'm ready
I've been shaking all night long
But my hands are steady."

G                         D           Dsus4  D  Dsus    G
Three pistols came and three people went, on their way
G                D         A
Three pistols strong and three people spent

Well he found his little lonely love
His bride of the northern woods
But, she took me to the Opera House
Like she said she would
Then she sighed and she fell from the balcony
Shakespeare bent to touch
She never had any time for me=20
Cause I didn't protest enough

Three pistols came and three people went, on their way
Two pistols strong and three people spent

Little girls come on remembrance day
Placing flowers on his grave
She waits in the shadows 'til after dark
To sweep them all away

I say, bring on the brand new renaissance
Cause I think I'm ready
I've been shaking all night long
But my hands are steady

Three pistols came and three people went, on their way
Three pistols strong and three people spent
Three pistols came and three people went on their way

Do�ru Yanl�� Repertuar�ma Ekle Kayd�r Kayd�r Dur yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas  

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De�erli arkada�lar,

Sizlerden gelen yorum ve e-postalar� ilk g�nden beri takip etmekteyiz. Nefis fikirleriniz i�in te�ekk�r ederiz. Bunlar�n bir k�sm�n� hayata ge�irmeyi ve Akorist'i daha kullan�c� dostu bir site haline getirmeyi planl�yoruz.

�zellikle s�k�a gelen nota isteklerini kar��lamak i�in bize notalar�n matemati�ini anlatabilecek arkada�lar ar�yoruz. Uzman olman�z� beklemiyoruz, zaten Akorist g�n�ll�ler ile ayakta duran bir proje. �lgilenen arkada�lar adresine e-posta atarlarsa mutlu oluruz.

�nternete sans�r de�il, s�rat laz�m!


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