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Do�ru Yanl�� 0 puan Repertuar�ma Ekle Dur Kayd�r Kayd�r yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas

Nothing but Flowers

from: Christian Korbanka, Cologne, Germany
lyrics and chords of: (Nothing But) Flowers by The Talking Heads

I am not quite happy with the chords. So, if you know better:
Suggestions and corrections are always welcome!
date: 95/10/15

C            Em
Here we stand like an Adam and an Eve
Dm           G
Waterfalls, the Garden of Eden
C               Em
Two fools in love so beautiful and strong
Dm                    G
The birds in the trees are smiling upon them
B                      Em                B        Em
From the age of the dinosaurs cars have run on gasoline
C        Em                   C          Dm
Where, where have they gone? Now, it's nothing but flowers

C                   G                  F           C
There was a factory, now there are mountains and rivers
G            F
You got it, you got it
C                       G                 F            C
We caught a rattlesnake, now we've got something for dinner
G            F
You got it, you got it
D                         A                G            D
There was a shopping mall, now it's all covered with flowers
A            G
You got it, you got it
D                   A          G        D
If this is paradise, I wish I had a lawnmower
A            G
You got it, you got it

C         Em
Years ago I was an angry young man
Dm         G
I'd pretend that I was a billboard
C            Em
Standing tall by the side of the road
Dm              G
I fell in love with a beautiful highway
B                Em                    B               Em
This used to be real estate, now it's only fields and trees
C       Em                 C          Dm
Where, where is the town? Now, it's nothing but flowers
Dm                A            Dm             A
The highways and cars were sacrificed for agriculture
Fm                             C   Fm                   G
I thought that we'd start all over, but I guess I was wrong

C                      G                    F       C
Once there were parking lots, now it's a peaceful oasis
G            F
You got it, you got it
C                    G               F             C
This was a Pizza Hut, now it's all covered with daisies
G            F
You got it, you got it
D                         A              G    D
I miss the Honky Tonks, Dairy Queens and 7-Elevens
A            G
You got it, you got it
D                           A      G           D
And as things fell apart, nobody payed much attention
A            G
You got it, you got it

D                         A               G              D
I dream of cherry pies, candy bars and chocolate chip cookies
A            G
You got it, you got it
D                      A           G              D
We used to microwave, now we just eat nuts and berries
A            G
You got it, you got it
D                           A               G         D
This was a discount store, now it's turned into a cornfield
A            G
You got it, you got it
D                             A            G              D
Don't leave me stranded here, I can't get used to this lifestyle

Do�ru Yanl�� Repertuar�ma Ekle Kayd�r Kayd�r Dur yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas  

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