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    İçerik akorların, tabların, bas tablarının ve sözlerin ayırt edilebilmesi için seçimlerinize göre renkli listelenmektedir.
Do�ru Yanl�� 0 puan Repertuar�ma Ekle Dur Kayd�r Kayd�r yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas

Ice Cream Man

From!torn!!wupost!!!!grep!walters Thu Jul  8 13:24:15 EDT 1993
Article: 10608 of
Organization: Florida State University Computer Science Department
Lines: 32

     Ice Cream Man is almost like an old blues standard that Dave wanted to
do.  Then the band took the tune and rocked it out.  Dave actually plays the
acoustic guitar in the intro.  The guitar is tuned down a half-step and to
an open E chord.  That is E B G# E B E from high to low.  It's a basic
12-bar pattern (excluding the first two bars of intro) going E A E E A A E E
B A E E (one bar for each chord).  Here is the intro in tab with the guitar
tuned properly.  I use my thumb and middle finger to pick the notes, use
what-ever is easiest for you.

|----------------------|----------------------|----repeat both bars----------|

     Another riff thrown in before the A sometimes starts on the low E
string and ascends E F# G G#.  This riff is also right before the heavy
guitars come in.  The distorted guitars also play the basic blues but in
positions at the 7th and 5th fret.  I actually have the entire transcription
including a very acurate solo.  If you want more, be specific.(It's very
hard to get the tab right on a computer like this.  I also know  just about
everything there is to know about Eddie Van Halen.  If you want any more
information I'll try to oblige.  I'm using a friends account, and I will
return E-mail through him.

                                       Keep on riffin',

                                          Josh "Slosh" Hollis

From!torn!!!caen!!!!grep!walters Fri Jul  9 13:35:30 EDT 1993
Article: 10640 of
Organization: Florida State University Computer Science Department
Lines: 559
Status: OR

Since its so hard to tune the guitar to an open E chord this tab will be in
regular tuning.

~ is a slide
12>14  means bend at 12th fret up to the pitch of the 14th fret
12>14>12  means to bend back down after
(12)>14  means that the note is already bent to before picking
p                 h
^  is a pull off  ^  is a hammer on
t  means a tap with the right hand

I hope the rest is self explanitory.  Good luck.

        'Dedicate one to the ladies'   Now,
|----------------------|----------------------|   ||
|------O---O---O---O---|------O---O---O---O---| . ||
|----------------------|----------------------|   ||
|----------------------|----------------------|   ||
|------------2---4-----|----5---4---2---4-----| . ||
|----O---4-------------|----------------------|   ||

   summertimes here babe   need somethin to keep you
   ice cream man           stop me when I'm passin by

    cool                               Ah, now
                              Oh, my, my,

  summertimes here babe    need somethin  to keep you
  I'm your ice cream man stop me when I'm passin by

   cool                             Better look
                                    See now

   out now though            Dave's got somethin for you
   all my      flavors are   guaranteed to satis-

     Tell ya what it is                   I'm your
     fy  Hols a second baby
|----------------------|--------7--7---7------|  ||
|------O---O---O---O---|--------7--7---7------| .||
|----------------------|--------8--8---8------|  ||
|----------------------|--------9--9---9------|  ||
|----2---4---5---4-----|----2---9--9---9------| .||
|----O---O---O---O-----|----O---7--7---7------|  ||

I got good lemonade ah,   dixie     cups

          all flavors and push ups to I'm your

    ice cream man baby     stop me when I'm passin by

                                      See now

  all my flavors are guaranteed   to    satis-

fy       hold on one more             Well, I'm

usually passin by just about eleven o'clock
uh, huh, I never stop, I'm usually passin by
just about eleven o'clock,  and if you let me
cool you one time, you'll be my regular stop.
Alright boys!   (this is over the verse part above)

I got good lemonade, dixie cups, all flavors and push
ups too.  I'm your ice cream man, stop me when I'm passin
by (etc.   this is where the distorted guitar comes in,
again playing basically the same thing-look at section
after solo for a hint)

(Now to the solo)

                     Ah,      one      time
      (let ring . . . . . . . . . . . . .)
           sl.         sl.

             h  p  h              h p

             h  p                    p     p

             h  p                 h  p

             h  p

                h  p  h  p  h   t-sl.  t-sl.      (Here Eddie taps with
|-----------------------------------------------|  his right index finger
|----15>18>15-12^15^12^15^12^15-17~-15-17~-15---|  and slides up toward the
|-----------------------------------------------|  pick-ups and the string
|-----------------------------------------------|  pulls off onto the note.
|-----------------------------------------------|  The slide goes to no
|-----------------------------------------------|  exact note but the
                                                   pull-off does.)
     t-sl.  t-sl.  t-sl. p           p
|----------------------------14->-15->-14^12----|(slow bend)

        ! ! !  p  p  !!!!!!dive down 1 1/2 step!!!!
|----14->->-15-^12^O----------------------------|(Gradual bend while
|-----------------------------------------------| whanging w/ bar)

  !!!!then back up!!


               h  p                p

                p                        p

      !!!!dive bomb 3 steps!!!Then back up!!

     slow bend      t p
|----------------------------------|(Tapping is done while bend is still
|----(12)->-15------15^12----------| being held-and into next measure)

     t p    release bend           p

     [semi harm.     ]  sl. p

                 sl.       sl.

                                sl.   sl.

    sl.                                    sl.

    sl.                 sl.      sl.

       sl.                  hold bend into next measure




                   1/4 bend      p

               p                 p


       p        p        p           h

                            I'm your
       h                        sl.

    ice cream man            stop me when I'm passin by


                                          Im' your

  ice cream man,      stop me when I'm passin by

                                        They say

    all my flavors are guar-

   anteed to satisfy!

             sl.           One

    time         boys!

                          I'm your

  ice cream man.____

                        -I'm your
                   grad bend  sl.

   ice     cream  man!___

|----(19)>19---->19-----------------|(bent before picking)

   b - b - b - ba - by!
|----(17)~---------------12>14>12---|(slow release)

                       Ah,   my,
                         !!dive  3 !!

    my,     my
 !!up!!dive 3!!up!!dive 2 1/2!!!!

     All my flavors are       Guarante-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ed

    to satis-uh-fy  yeah!

|-----------------------------------------| (trill of hammering on and
|-----------------------------------------|  pulling off)


             p  h sl-sl.        sl-sl.   p h  sl-sl.   p  p

       p  p sl.   p    p sl.     all slides                      sl.                    sl.

That last section is the conversation type part between Ed and Dave.
Have fun.

                                  My Eruption is bigger than yours,

                                     Josh "Slosh" Hollis

Do�ru Yanl�� Repertuar�ma Ekle Kayd�r Kayd�r Dur yeni Akor Tab S�z Bas  

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De�erli arkada�lar,

Sizlerden gelen yorum ve e-postalar� ilk g�nden beri takip etmekteyiz. Nefis fikirleriniz i�in te�ekk�r ederiz. Bunlar�n bir k�sm�n� hayata ge�irmeyi ve Akorist'i daha kullan�c� dostu bir site haline getirmeyi planl�yoruz.

�zellikle s�k�a gelen nota isteklerini kar��lamak i�in bize notalar�n matemati�ini anlatabilecek arkada�lar ar�yoruz. Uzman olman�z� beklemiyoruz, zaten Akorist g�n�ll�ler ile ayakta duran bir proje. �lgilenen arkada�lar adresine e-posta atarlarsa mutlu oluruz.

�nternete sans�r de�il, s�rat laz�m!


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