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Guest | 22 Ocak 2015 saat 23:31
John Henry Newman re-defines a few words, or states of being, which I wish to bring under the
mioosccrpe, as it were. I hope to present them in a manner which is coherent and useful to whomever reads this post. Most of these definitions are ones which I read and thought: I agree with that. So be prepared for joyful bias. First I consider enlargement.I think, and feel comfortable claiming, that Newman would use the words ascent and enlargement interchangeably. For consider this effect or world view of one who has an enlarged mind: Before [enlargement], they took things as they came, and thought no more of one thing than another. But now every event has a meaning; they have their own estimate of whatever happens to them; they are mindful of times and seasons, and compare the present with the past; and the world, no longer dull, monotonous, unprofitable, and hopeless, is a various and complicated drama, with parts and an object, and an awful moral. (100) Somewhere else in the chapter, which I can't find now that I want, Newman describes what most people do (or would do in his time) when they come upon a new city or environment. He suggests most will try to find some high ground which would enable them to see the big picture of the city and at the same time give the person some bearing on where they stand. In this illustration two things are distinct: (1) The city and how it really is laid out. (2) The person and their point of being. Thus we see that someone, or some group of people with enlarged minds (and I am sure this process of enlargement is necessarily one which requires life long diligence) see the city as it really is as well as themselves as they really are. This enlargement prevents, just as an apple a day keeps the doctor a way, derangement. Newman defined, in a round about way, derangement: Derangement, I believe, has been considered as a loss of control over the sequence of ideas. (106) In short, enlargement allows a person or community to, call things by their right names. (109)Probably the most important definition to consider is that of education. Education is a high word; it is the preparation for knowledge, and it is the imparting of knowledge in proportion to that preparation. (109) There are two parts to this definition, the former suggests a state of being or what has been termed a state of mind while the latter suggests a receiving of knowledge which is relative to the quality of the preparation. There is quite a bit to unpack here. First, that Education is a high word. This sentence, taken on its own grounds, could fill a manual. That education is a high' word suggests their are low words. I do not know what he would consider a low word, perhaps mere acquisition', but at least we can know that because education is a high word it naturally follows that receiving an education is not an easy thing to do. Furthermore, high (if considered in terms of elevation) also suggest the type of intellect Newman would consider excellent one which knows where it stands, and how its path lies from one point to another. (104) This preparation, which prepares one to receive proportionate amounts of knowledge, takes a great deal of work. Just as one must climb the mountain (and not via ski lift mind you) to gain a greater perspective one must work and prepare his or her mind to receive education or enlargement. While its clear I have used this blog to organize my thoughts (forgive me Dr. Kleiner) a few important questions rise to the surface. While it is easy to use a metaphor to describe climbing to great heights what does this really mean? What does it mean to prepare to receive knowledge? How can we know we are preparing in the proper manner, if there is such a thing? Is it possible to prepare one's self to receive such knowledge in a University (such as the one I experience today) when the goal of John Henry Newman is in almost direct contrast with the goals of most majors?These and other questions I hope to discuss today.
Guest | 22 Ocak 2015 saat 10:41
I've been loionkg for a post like this for an age