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Guest | 22 Ocak 2015 saat 09:31
When I was in nursing scohol, back around '79, I did a semester's training at a state mental hospital.The facility at that time had a sexual offenders unit, and I will never forget a couple of psychiatrists who admitted that treating them was futile, that all they were doing there was marking time.One good thing was that they could not be returned to the general population until the institution could guarantee that they would not offend again. As the institution would rarely say that these people were cured, they tended to be in for the long haul.Unfortunately, the laws changed. Now all they have to do is convince a judge that they are cured , and since the vast majority of these people have no (other) demonstrable mental illness, they often times have no problem convincing a judge of that, and are then released.Personally, I think that anyone who rapes or otherwise causes harm to a child should be executed, with no second chances or at the very least life without possibility of parole. And none of this three strikes for them.
Guest | 19 Şubat 2014 saat 06:47
That's a genuinely
imrssepive answer.
Guest | 18 Şubat 2014 saat 21:33
Life is short, and this article saved vaaluble time on this Earth.