Guest | 11 Nisan 2014 saat 08:23
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ArWikiGuest | 11 Nisan 2014 saat 08:23 car insurace in florida ciallis discount diet impotence viagra no prescrip life insurance quotesGuest | 18 Şubat 2014 saat 17:49 I don't think art can be too popular. Historically in all cluutres, individuals have expressed themselves artisitically, and art has been used by religion, politics and for economic means. I think it is important that we have images and objects that are aestheically beautiful, interesting or thought provoking; I think it is a basic human need, and a person can enjoy fine art or popular, comercial art.I don't know whether it is specific to the middle-class culture, but I find that many people use art galleries as they might have once have done a church or place of worship. Artists are treated with great reverence. I am an artist and art teacher working with teenagers in an exclusion unit and I feel a little uncomortable with art being treated as an edifying religious experience.Yes, artists have important things to say, but they are just people. I know you could go onto debate that religious philosophy and texts were/ are also produced by normal peopleGuest | 18 Şubat 2014 saat 11:22 Speaking as someone who was in a show that won a few of those aarwds, I concur with Ms. Maupin these aarwds determine popularity, and it's nice as an artist to receive these aarwds, but their significance shouldn't be overstated. Just like the Grammy Awards. Often times the artsier shows won't have sellout crowds every night because they are less mainstream and don't attract many of the casual Fringegoers like the mainstream shows do it's a shame, as I attended many top notch shows that had small-medium audiences this year (such as Pla, The Bike Trip, and The Blood Feather). I certainly do wish shows like Oddlie and The Bike Trip would get the audiences they deserved, but I think most artists know going in that artistry often comes with a sacrifice of crowd size. But I'm sure seeing the reactions of the crowd who loves their material makes it worthwhile I've performed in front of as few as 3 people before, and you have to treat it the same way as if the crowd is a sellout. The passion takes over!ArWiki Ekle | |